Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Seniors: State Photography

If any seniors plan to participate in the State Photography competition, please let me know to find out what categories are available. So far, the only ones that have been taken are "Food" and "Aquatic/Marine". All others are open at this time.

The deadline to enter is April 15th, and the fee is $10 per photo.

PLEASE, read the rules for the state level. You can find them by clicking the link at the side of the blog. There are specific guidelines about how to submit ONLINE this year.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.


District Results

A big CONGRATULATIONS to Katy Dickey, Emma Sitton, Cory Evans and David Wingard for placing in the District Photography Show.

Katy (a Junior with Footbridge) placed 4th in the "Dominant Color" category and 5th in the "Details and Macro" category.

Cory (an Intermediate with Footbridge) placed 4th in the "People" category.

Emma (a Junior with Footbridge) placed 4th in the "Animals-Wildlife" category and 2nd in the "Animals-Domestic" category.

David placed 2nd in both the "Food" and "Marine/Aquatic" categories.

We are very proud of all of the participants.