Monday, May 11, 2009

District Photography Results

I am sorry this is late, but I have the results of the District Photography contest. You ALL did an outstanding job, and represented Cherokee County well. :-) We are very proud of all of you.

Please, be sure to pick up your photos and ribbons from the Extension Office.

Jordan Hall - 2nd Place (Jr.)
Rebecca Brown - 1st Place (Int.)
Zachary Parker - 4th Place (Senior)

Jordan Hall - 5th Place (Jr.)

Plant/Flora - B&W
Jordan Hall - 1rst place (Jr.)

Architectural Elements - B&W
Jordan Hall - 6th Place (Jr.)

Architectural Elements - Color
Jordan Hall - 3rd Place (Jr.)
Zachariah Brown- 2nd Place (Int.)

Special Effects
Jordan Hall - 1st Place (Jr.)
Thomas Parker - 2nd Place (Int.)
Zachariah Brown - 4th Place (Int.)

Natural Landscape - Color
David Wingard - 6th Place(Int.)

Natural Landscape- B&W
Zachary Parker - 4th Place (Senior)

Volunteers in Action - Color
David Wingard - 3rd Place (Int.)
Thomas Parker - 4th Place (Int.)
Zachary Parker - 3rd Place (Senior)

Still Life - Color
Zachary Parker - 5th Place (Senior)

Jordan Hall's photo in the "Special Effects" category was chosen as one of the Judge's Favorites in the Junior Division.

Congratulations to everyone, and thank you to ALL who participated in the photography project. I am very proud of you all, and I hope you had FUN!! :-)