I am sorry for the short notice, but I just recently found out about this myself. The East Texas State Fair is having a photo contest, and for $5 per entry you may compete. Also, there are several age levels, so ADULTS may compete as well. ;-)
There is no time frame for when the photos had to be taken, so photos you have taken in the past will work. Do you have a photo you are particularly proud of? Did you take it 2 years ago? No problem!! As long as you have not previously submitted it to the East Texas State Fair competition, then it IS ELIGIBLE! :-) Even photos you used in the 4-H competition in the past.
Please, visit the link for categories and rules. http://www.etstatefair.com/photography.php
I do know that the photos must be 8 X 10, and it is $5 for each photo. You may submit up to 10 photos.
The bad part.... the deadline to enter is THIS SATURDAY, September 5th. So get them in THIS WEEK. Have fun, and be sure to let me know if you entered, especially if you win. I want to put an article in the paper about it. ;-)
Be sure to check out the website for other opportunities to compete, such as the Arts and Crafts, etc. http://www.etstatefair.com/
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