WELCOME to a new year in 4-H!!!
I have been told that the rules are the same as last year, so please feel free to go by last years until the new guidelines are posted. You will find a link to the guidelines on the side bar. As soon as the new "Theme" is announced I will post it here.
I will hold TWO workshops for those interested in photography. The first will be held September 24th, 7:00 pm at the Extension Office, and the second will be held October 5th, 7:00 pm at the Extension office. I do not think these will last more than 1hour, and you only need to attend one. I am offering two workshops for those who cannot make the first one.
The deadline to enter your photos is October 30th, by 5:00 pm. Just turn them into Willie at the Extension Office.
The photos will be judged the first week of November.
REMEMBER: Photography is the only project that you do not have to "advance" to participate. That means you DO NOT have to participate in the county competition to move on to District. If you choose to just compete at the District level you have more time to take your photos, just make sure Willie has them by the end of November, so he can turn them in to District.
Also, even if you compete at county, you may still take photos, and submit those to District, instead of the ones you used for county.
For the Seniors, you DO NOT have to compete at District to compete at the state level. You can just do state if you want, or you can compete at all 3. However, if you do compete at the District level, and want to use the same photos at state, be sure to make copies of them because you will NOT get them back in time to meet the deadline for state. This way, you can print the copies again, and just follow the state guidelines for mounting them.
You CAN use different photos for state than you did for county/district. The deadline to enter the photos for the state level will be in April. I'll get the exact date for you when it is announced.
If you have ANY questions, please feel free to call me, or e-mail me. Most of all HAVE FUN!! :-)
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