I don't know how many of you read Country Magazine, but they are having a photography contest. It is open for ALL AGES. So, for you parents who like to take photos, this is YOUR chance to enter, as well as your kids. ;-)
The rules and guidelines can be found in the October/November 2009 issue, but I will list the main rules here.
1. You must submit an 8 X 10 color print. Please do not mount the photos on cardboard or mats. If you are printing from a home computer, use the highest possible resolution and glossy inkjet photo paper.
2. Print or type your name, address and daytime phone number on a sheet of paper, along with the category in which the photo is to entered - COUNTRY KIDS, FARM ANIMALS, COUNTRY SCENERY OR RURAL PEOPLE. Include a few details about where the photo was taken, the people in it and your relationship to them, and any other information that would help us write a caption. Tape the paper to the back of the photo. Don't write on the photo itself.
3. The contest is open to anyone. No purchase is necessary. No more than six photos may be entered by a contestant.
4. Six finalists from each of the four categories will be chosen by our editors, based on the quality of the photos and how well they depict country life. "We're looking for 'found moments' rather than scenes that are staged."
Readers will vote to determine the category and grand prize winners. Voting for category winners begins with the Feb/Mar 2010 issue. The grand prize winner will be announced in the Dec/Jan 2011 issue.
Entries must be postmarked by December 1, 2009, to qualify for the contest. Please send entries to "Rural Photography Contest," Country, 5925 Country Lane, Greendale WI 53129.
There are also other guidelines like "entries become the property of.....", but you can read that in the magazine.
You can also vote for the current grand prize winner here. There are some really cute photos. ;-) Have fun!!