The 4-H article regarding the county photography contest is in the Jacksonville Daily Progress, November 27th issue. We made the front page! :-)
Congratulations, everyone!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Just a reminder...
... that the photos will remain at the Jacksonville Public Library until tomorrow (Friday the 20th) at noon. Willie and I will remove them then. After that, you can pick up your ribbons and photos from Willie at the Extension Office. You may also have your judges results if you wish.
Thank you, again, to all who entered your photos. You did a great job. Don't forget to keep taking photos. The holidays are here, and this is a GREAT time to take photos and practice different techniques. District is in March, so you have plenty of time to get more photos for then. :-)
Thank you, again, to all who entered your photos. You did a great job. Don't forget to keep taking photos. The holidays are here, and this is a GREAT time to take photos and practice different techniques. District is in March, so you have plenty of time to get more photos for then. :-)
Monday, November 16, 2009
County Results Are In!!!!! :-)

I am sorry that these are being posted late, but I wanted to make sure I had everything finished, and correct before posting.
First, let me say that you ALL did a wonderful job. We have a lot of kids with natural talent for photography. Keep learning, and having fun taking photos!! :-)
OK, the following will be divided up in individual categories, in no particular order. The color ribbon will be listed next to your name. If you would like copies of your judges scores/comments, please let me know. The judges made comments on several of your photos that may be helpful to you.
BTW... the photos will be on display at the Jacksonville Public Library until Friday, November 20th, if you would like to go by and see them.
David Wingard - blue
Natalie Truett - blue
Casey Henderson - red
Jamie Henderson - blue
David Wingard - blue
Sadie Capps - blue
Kelsy Hicks (c) - red
Kelsy Hicks (b&w) - red
Katy Dickey - blue
Jamie Henderson - blue
Special/Creative Effect
Jamie Henderson - blue
Natural Landscape
Carson Hopper (c) - blue
Carson Hopper (b&w) - blue
Kelsy Hicks - blue
Katy Dickey - red
Karlie E. Hopper - blue
Jamie Henderson - red
Casey Henderson - blue
Shelby Partin - red
Kaley Collins (b&w) - blue
Kaley Collins (c) - red
Kelsy Hicks - blue
Katy Dickey - blue
David Wingard - red
Jamie Henderson (c) - red
Jamie Henderson (b&w) - red
Architectural Elements
Jamie Henderson - blue
Natalie Truett - blue
Karlie Hopper - blue
Kelsy Hicks (b&w) - blue
Kelsy Hicks (c) - blue
Casey Henderson - blue
Still Life
Carson Hopper - blue
Natalie Truett (c) - blue
Natalie Truett (b&w) - red
Casey Henderson - blue
Kelsy Hicks for her B&W photo "Glass Ceiling" in the Architectural Elements Division.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The photos are up at the Jacksonville Public Library. All I lack is a display sign that says, "Cherokee County 4-H Photography Contest", and that will go up first thing Monday morning. :-)
The judging will last all next week, and the photos will come down on November 16th at noon. As soon as we get the score sheets we will post the winners.
You all did a great job. Several patrons stopped as we were putting them up and had wonderful compliments. Stop by this week and check it out. :-)
The judging will last all next week, and the photos will come down on November 16th at noon. As soon as we get the score sheets we will post the winners.
You all did a great job. Several patrons stopped as we were putting them up and had wonderful compliments. Stop by this week and check it out. :-)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Info. on District
GREAT NEWS!! The District photography contest deadline is in March!! :-)
SO, you have until March to take your photos for the District contest. The photos MUST be given to Willie by 5:00 pm March 18, 2010, because he will drive the photos to Overton on the 19th.
The guidelines should be posted next week, but we already have some information, that I want to pass on to you.
1. Entry fee is $5 per person, 50 cents per photo.
2. Eligible photos must have been taken from March '09 - March 2010. So, double check your county submissions. If they were taken BEFORE March '09, they cannot move on to District.
3. The Divisions are the same as county/state with 2 additions.
There will be a District Theme: "Water". Water must be the main focus of your photo in this division.
There is also a Technical Challenge Division: "Sell a Product."
The deadline to enter photos into the State Competition is April 15th. You will need to enter at 4-H online, and your photos must be postmarked by April 15th.
If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me, or give me a call. :-)
SO, you have until March to take your photos for the District contest. The photos MUST be given to Willie by 5:00 pm March 18, 2010, because he will drive the photos to Overton on the 19th.
The guidelines should be posted next week, but we already have some information, that I want to pass on to you.
1. Entry fee is $5 per person, 50 cents per photo.
2. Eligible photos must have been taken from March '09 - March 2010. So, double check your county submissions. If they were taken BEFORE March '09, they cannot move on to District.
3. The Divisions are the same as county/state with 2 additions.
There will be a District Theme: "Water". Water must be the main focus of your photo in this division.
There is also a Technical Challenge Division: "Sell a Product."
The deadline to enter photos into the State Competition is April 15th. You will need to enter at 4-H online, and your photos must be postmarked by April 15th.
If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me, or give me a call. :-)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Deadline is TOMORROW!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
County Deadline Reminder
Hi, everyone :-)
I hope you are having a great time taking your photos. Just a reminder that the deadline to enter the county photography contest is THIS Friday, October 30th. Please, have your photos to Willie by 5:00 pm.
I hope you are having a great time taking your photos. Just a reminder that the deadline to enter the county photography contest is THIS Friday, October 30th. Please, have your photos to Willie by 5:00 pm.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Questions from Workshop
We had a great workshop tonight. Thank you to all who attended. It looks like we are going to have a lot of participants in the photography project this year. ;-)
I wanted to address a couple of the questions that were asked tonight.
1. Panoramic photos - I was told "if it is a panoramic camera, then the photo is NOT considered "special effects." If it is a regular camera, and you use the panoramic setting, then it IS being manipulated, therefore it would be put in the "special effects" category.
2. If you have two categories represented in your photo, such as a child and animal in the same photo. the category will be determined by the main subject of your photo. For example, if the child takes up most of the space in the picture, then the child is the subject of the photo, and it would be placed in the "people" category. If the animal takes up most of the space, then it would be placed in the "animal" category. If it looks to you like it is 50/50, then it can go in either one.
I hope this answers your questions. If you need further assistance, please e-mail me. :-)
I wanted to address a couple of the questions that were asked tonight.
1. Panoramic photos - I was told "if it is a panoramic camera, then the photo is NOT considered "special effects." If it is a regular camera, and you use the panoramic setting, then it IS being manipulated, therefore it would be put in the "special effects" category.
2. If you have two categories represented in your photo, such as a child and animal in the same photo. the category will be determined by the main subject of your photo. For example, if the child takes up most of the space in the picture, then the child is the subject of the photo, and it would be placed in the "people" category. If the animal takes up most of the space, then it would be placed in the "animal" category. If it looks to you like it is 50/50, then it can go in either one.
I hope this answers your questions. If you need further assistance, please e-mail me. :-)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Workshop Reminder
Just a reminder that the photography workshop will be Monday, October 5th at 7:00 pm. We will meet at the Extension Office. We will cover the same things we covered at the last one, so if you attended that one you don't have to attend this one, but if you would like to we would be happy to have you. ;-)
Please, remember that your photos for the County Competition are due October 30th by 5:00 pm. Just get them to Willie at the Extension Office. ;-)
Hope to see you all there.
Please, remember that your photos for the County Competition are due October 30th by 5:00 pm. Just get them to Willie at the Extension Office. ;-)
Hope to see you all there.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
2010 Theme
The new theme has been announced. :-) The Theme this year is "focus on the seasons of Texas".
The new state rules have been updated, so please click the link on the side. We will follow those guidelines for the County competition, with the following exceptions:
1. There is no entrance fee
2. Any age may enter (clover kids will receive participation ribbons, but gain experience)
3. You may enter 5 X 7 photos at County level.
** Please note that there has been a change at the State level. This year the entrance fee is $10 per photo.
We will update the district rules as soon as they are released.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me. :-)
The new state rules have been updated, so please click the link on the side. We will follow those guidelines for the County competition, with the following exceptions:
1. There is no entrance fee
2. Any age may enter (clover kids will receive participation ribbons, but gain experience)
3. You may enter 5 X 7 photos at County level.
** Please note that there has been a change at the State level. This year the entrance fee is $10 per photo.
We will update the district rules as soon as they are released.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me. :-)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
NON 4-H related photo contest

I don't know how many of you read Country Magazine, but they are having a photography contest. It is open for ALL AGES. So, for you parents who like to take photos, this is YOUR chance to enter, as well as your kids. ;-)
The rules and guidelines can be found in the October/November 2009 issue, but I will list the main rules here.
1. You must submit an 8 X 10 color print. Please do not mount the photos on cardboard or mats. If you are printing from a home computer, use the highest possible resolution and glossy inkjet photo paper.
2. Print or type your name, address and daytime phone number on a sheet of paper, along with the category in which the photo is to entered - COUNTRY KIDS, FARM ANIMALS, COUNTRY SCENERY OR RURAL PEOPLE. Include a few details about where the photo was taken, the people in it and your relationship to them, and any other information that would help us write a caption. Tape the paper to the back of the photo. Don't write on the photo itself.
3. The contest is open to anyone. No purchase is necessary. No more than six photos may be entered by a contestant.
4. Six finalists from each of the four categories will be chosen by our editors, based on the quality of the photos and how well they depict country life. "We're looking for 'found moments' rather than scenes that are staged."
Readers will vote to determine the category and grand prize winners. Voting for category winners begins with the Feb/Mar 2010 issue. The grand prize winner will be announced in the Dec/Jan 2011 issue.
Entries must be postmarked by December 1, 2009, to qualify for the contest. Please send entries to "Rural Photography Contest," Country, 5925 Country Lane, Greendale WI 53129.
There are also other guidelines like "entries become the property of.....", but you can read that in the magazine.
You can also vote for the current grand prize winner here. There are some really cute photos. ;-) Have fun!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Workshop Reminder
Just a reminder that a photography workshop will be held tomorrow night for all children interested in the photography project. The next one will be held Oct 5th. Please plan to attend one of them, so that your questions can be answered. :-) The following information is the same for both workshops.
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Extension Office
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Extension Office
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Reminder and Links
Hi ;-)
Just a quick reminder that the first workshop for the photography project will be NEXT THURSDAY, September 24th at 7:00 pm. We will meet in the room at the Extension Office. The second class will be Oct. 5th. Same details as the first workshop. You only need to attend one, as the information will be the same at both workshops.
I have been given some links to some sites that are pretty neat. If anyone knows Janie Barber, owner of Lady Jane's Photography (and Antiques) in Jacksonville, she has some beautiful photos. The link to her site is: She mainly does black and white photos. They are beautiful. If you get a chance to stop by Lady Jane's in J'ville, you can see many of her photos on the wall in her photography area. She is very nice, and very knowledgeable. Stop by and talk to her. ;-)
Some other sites you may be interested in are: and These sites are for people who love to take photos for the sake of taking photos, and they post them here. You can get some great tips, and view some really neat photos. ;-)
**Disclaimer: I have not had a chance to extensively view these last two sites, so if there are any "inappropriate" photos posted there I do not know about them. Parents may want to check them out first. ;-)
Hope to see you all at the workshops. Remember, have fun taking the photos! ;-)
Just a quick reminder that the first workshop for the photography project will be NEXT THURSDAY, September 24th at 7:00 pm. We will meet in the room at the Extension Office. The second class will be Oct. 5th. Same details as the first workshop. You only need to attend one, as the information will be the same at both workshops.
I have been given some links to some sites that are pretty neat. If anyone knows Janie Barber, owner of Lady Jane's Photography (and Antiques) in Jacksonville, she has some beautiful photos. The link to her site is: She mainly does black and white photos. They are beautiful. If you get a chance to stop by Lady Jane's in J'ville, you can see many of her photos on the wall in her photography area. She is very nice, and very knowledgeable. Stop by and talk to her. ;-)
Some other sites you may be interested in are: and These sites are for people who love to take photos for the sake of taking photos, and they post them here. You can get some great tips, and view some really neat photos. ;-)
**Disclaimer: I have not had a chance to extensively view these last two sites, so if there are any "inappropriate" photos posted there I do not know about them. Parents may want to check them out first. ;-)
Hope to see you all at the workshops. Remember, have fun taking the photos! ;-)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Check out these links!!
Hi, everyone ;-)
I just found out that there is a National 4-H photography contest, and the winning pictures get made into the 4-H calendar, which is then sold in the 4-H source book. :-) The winners for the 2011 calendar have already been posted, and Willie is trying to find out more info for us to see about entering for the 2012 calender contest. As soon as we have that info I will post it.
I thought you might like to take a look at the current and past winners for tips and inspiration. ;-) Here is the link to the 2011 calendar winners, and when you scroll to the bottom you can see past winners all the way back to 2002.
I just found out that there is a National 4-H photography contest, and the winning pictures get made into the 4-H calendar, which is then sold in the 4-H source book. :-) The winners for the 2011 calendar have already been posted, and Willie is trying to find out more info for us to see about entering for the 2012 calender contest. As soon as we have that info I will post it.
I thought you might like to take a look at the current and past winners for tips and inspiration. ;-) Here is the link to the 2011 calendar winners, and when you scroll to the bottom you can see past winners all the way back to 2002.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
East Texas State Fair Photo Contest

I am sorry for the short notice, but I just recently found out about this myself. The East Texas State Fair is having a photo contest, and for $5 per entry you may compete. Also, there are several age levels, so ADULTS may compete as well. ;-)
There is no time frame for when the photos had to be taken, so photos you have taken in the past will work. Do you have a photo you are particularly proud of? Did you take it 2 years ago? No problem!! As long as you have not previously submitted it to the East Texas State Fair competition, then it IS ELIGIBLE! :-) Even photos you used in the 4-H competition in the past.
Please, visit the link for categories and rules.
I do know that the photos must be 8 X 10, and it is $5 for each photo. You may submit up to 10 photos.
The bad part.... the deadline to enter is THIS SATURDAY, September 5th. So get them in THIS WEEK. Have fun, and be sure to let me know if you entered, especially if you win. I want to put an article in the paper about it. ;-)
Be sure to check out the website for other opportunities to compete, such as the Arts and Crafts, etc.
2009-2010 INFO

WELCOME to a new year in 4-H!!!
I have been told that the rules are the same as last year, so please feel free to go by last years until the new guidelines are posted. You will find a link to the guidelines on the side bar. As soon as the new "Theme" is announced I will post it here.
I will hold TWO workshops for those interested in photography. The first will be held September 24th, 7:00 pm at the Extension Office, and the second will be held October 5th, 7:00 pm at the Extension office. I do not think these will last more than 1hour, and you only need to attend one. I am offering two workshops for those who cannot make the first one.
The deadline to enter your photos is October 30th, by 5:00 pm. Just turn them into Willie at the Extension Office.
The photos will be judged the first week of November.
REMEMBER: Photography is the only project that you do not have to "advance" to participate. That means you DO NOT have to participate in the county competition to move on to District. If you choose to just compete at the District level you have more time to take your photos, just make sure Willie has them by the end of November, so he can turn them in to District.
Also, even if you compete at county, you may still take photos, and submit those to District, instead of the ones you used for county.
For the Seniors, you DO NOT have to compete at District to compete at the state level. You can just do state if you want, or you can compete at all 3. However, if you do compete at the District level, and want to use the same photos at state, be sure to make copies of them because you will NOT get them back in time to meet the deadline for state. This way, you can print the copies again, and just follow the state guidelines for mounting them.
You CAN use different photos for state than you did for county/district. The deadline to enter the photos for the state level will be in April. I'll get the exact date for you when it is announced.
If you have ANY questions, please feel free to call me, or e-mail me. Most of all HAVE FUN!! :-)
Monday, May 11, 2009
District Photography Results

I am sorry this is late, but I have the results of the District Photography contest. You ALL did an outstanding job, and represented Cherokee County well. :-) We are very proud of all of you.
Please, be sure to pick up your photos and ribbons from the Extension Office.
Jordan Hall - 2nd Place (Jr.)
Rebecca Brown - 1st Place (Int.)
Zachary Parker - 4th Place (Senior)
Jordan Hall - 5th Place (Jr.)
Plant/Flora - B&W
Jordan Hall - 1rst place (Jr.)
Architectural Elements - B&W
Jordan Hall - 6th Place (Jr.)
Architectural Elements - Color
Jordan Hall - 3rd Place (Jr.)
Zachariah Brown- 2nd Place (Int.)
Special Effects
Jordan Hall - 1st Place (Jr.)
Thomas Parker - 2nd Place (Int.)
Zachariah Brown - 4th Place (Int.)
Natural Landscape - Color
David Wingard - 6th Place(Int.)
Natural Landscape- B&W
Zachary Parker - 4th Place (Senior)
Volunteers in Action - Color
David Wingard - 3rd Place (Int.)
Thomas Parker - 4th Place (Int.)
Zachary Parker - 3rd Place (Senior)
Still Life - Color
Zachary Parker - 5th Place (Senior)
Jordan Hall's photo in the "Special Effects" category was chosen as one of the Judge's Favorites in the Junior Division.
Congratulations to everyone, and thank you to ALL who participated in the photography project. I am very proud of you all, and I hope you had FUN!! :-)
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