- 12 Years and Younger
- 13 to 18 Years
- 19 to 39 Years
- 40 to 59 Years
- Age 60 and Over
- Professionals:
Subject Categories:
Fine Art:
Still life, floral, architectural details, interpretive environmental portraits, line/form/texture
The natural scene and the rural or urban cityscape
Human Interest:
People, pets, action, human condition
Wildlife and plant life found in nature
Digital Manipulation/Photo Restoration:
Must be accompanied by an approximate 4 x 6 copy of the original photo(s)
- A single competitor may enter a total of 10 photos.
- Photos may be color or black & white.
- Photos must be at least 10 inches in height or width, but no larger than 11x14 inches.
- All entries must be mounted on 11x14 size mount board for display purposes. Mount board should be no less than 1/16 inch or greater than 3/16 inch thickness. Do NOT mount on construction paper or poster board.
- Photos may be matted, but must be mounted on backing board.
- Photo frames will not be accepted.
- No previously entered photos at the ETSF will be accepted.
- Entries that have been entered in other fairs or competitions will be accepted.
- Judges and ETSF staff reserve the right to decide which photos, if any, will not be displayed.
- ETSF will not be responsible for any damage to photos or loss of photos displayed.
- Exhibitor must register in the appropriate amateur age group or as a professional.
Best of Show: $50
1st Place in category: $25
2nd Place in category: $15
3rd Place in category: $5
No premium paid for Best of Age Group
Premiums will be paid during the designated time period ONLY and will not be paid after that time.
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