Workshops: - both will be held at the Extension Office at 6:30 pm.
October 16th and November 5th. The same information will be covered at both meetings, so you really only need to attend one. I am, however, trying to find a photographer to come and speak with us at one, or both, workshops.
County - will be held the week of January 14th - 18th. DEADLINE to enter your photos is January 9th by 5:00 pm. These will be submitted online. There is no cost to compete at the county level.
District - April 27th. DEADLINE to enter is February 15th. Remember these are also submitted online. Cost: ?? Nothing new is showing up on the D-5 website, yet, so for now we'll say to plan what it was last year. $6 for first entry and 50 cents per entry after that. Remember, there are 15 categories you can participate in.
State - For Seniors only ( age 14 and up) DEADLINE to enter is April 15th. These are submitted online. Each entry is $10.00
**** Remember, we can only send ONE photo per category for the whole county. Those who compete at the county level will get first shot at whether or not they want to advance.
*** You do not have to compete at county to move on to district or state. You can compete in all competitions, or only one. It's up to you. However, you get great feedback from the judges at county and district, so it would be beneficial to compete then as well.
PLEASE check out the rules and guidelines in the post below.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
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