The Holidays are HERE!!!!
There will be many opportunities to get some great shots in the next few months. Costumes; night photography of those Jack-O-Lanters; FOOD, presents, lights, family and friends.... the list is endless. Keep your camera with you and take advantage of this time of year. :-)
We had a great photography workshop tonight! :-) Our next workshop will be an "on location": workshop at Jim Hogg Park on November 22nd at 7:00 am. Bring your cameras and come ready to learn and HAVE FUN. :-) Date may change if we have bad weather, so keep watching for information. :-)
Due to the impending weather the workshop scheduled for tonight has been rescheduled for next Thursday, October 9th, at 6:30 at the Extension Office. We just don't want to risk the little ones and parents possibly having to be out in the 60 mph wind, rain and possible hail. But, it would make a cool photo if you have the right settings and could do it SAFELY! ;-) See you next week!! :-)
Just a reminder that the photography workshop will be tomorrow night (Thursday, Oct. 2nd) at the Extension Office. We will meet at 6:30. If you already have some photos for Ms. Tabitha to look at go ahead and bring them. :-)