The county competition has been set for the week of January 23-27, 2012. The deadline to enter your photos is, Friday, January 13th. The photos will be submitted online by e-mailing them to Willie at the County Extension Office. We are doing it this way to 1) give the participants the experience they will need to submit them to the district and state levels, and 2) to save you money on developing and mounting just for one contest.
The guidelines will follow the state guidelines, except there is NO entrance fee at for the county level. So, with no cost for developing, mounting, or entry; feel free to take enter all of the categories!! :-)
Please, read
this post, concerning the state guidelines and revisions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
Again, we can only submit one photo per category to the state level. SO, to make it fair, the following is how choosing the photos to go to state will be handled:
Although photography is not one of the categories in which you must "advance" to the next level to participate, we are encouraging Seniors ( age 14 - 19 ) to compete at the county level.
When choosing the photos to send to state, the photo that scored the highest at the county level will be the one chosen in that category to represent Cherokee County; providing the participant wants to send it to the state competition. If the highest scorer chooses not to send his/her photo to state, then the 2nd highest scorer may send in his/her photo. Any other photos submitted to state will be at a "first come, first serve" basis. You will need to check with me to see if a category has already been filled before submitting your photo to prevent you and the other participant from being disqualified.
Please, be sure to read the guidelines for online submission. This will be followed at all levels of the photography project.
Workshop Reminder: October 20, 2011, 6:30 pm at the Extension Office.
November 7, 2011, 6:30 pm at the Extension Office.