The holidays are approaching quickly. :-) This is a wonderful time to practice getting pictures of friends and family (people) and all of that wonderful food. Yes, there IS a food category this year! :-)
Please look at the right of the page and under "Curriculum and Resources" you will find the new state guidelines for 2011. The county contest will follow these guidelines with the following exceptions:
1. There is NO entry fee for county
2. You may use 4X6 photos
3 Clover kids are welcome to participate
Please, be sure to look at the guidelines closely. There are a lot of new categories this year, and some old ones have changed or been removed. Also, they are only allowing 1 photo per category this time, regardless if it is black and white or color. So, choose your photo wisely. :-)

I will post the district guidelines as soon as we get them. Most importantly HAVE FUN!!!! :-) Mark your calenders for the next workshop scheduled for January 6, 2011. We will meet in the Extension Office at 6:30 pm.